
The new layers presented in this document were introduced in the context of a simple, small Blog app in Rails. In the real world, however, apps are much more complex than just a set of synchronous CRUD operations. This section showcases how to organize business logic objects in other common cases and additional layers.


In this architecture, all persistence and database concerns are encapsulated under the Repository layer. The goal of this design is to have the business logic sending singular messages to a Repository for any query or writes to the database, and receive read-only Model instances as a result. There is no lazy loading whatsoever, as all data requested is fetched at once; there is also no method chaining that would end up allowing the business logic layer to compose its own queries with artifacts such as scopes and filters either. Repositories expose public methods for every single kind of query and operation required by the business logic.

This design affects directly how associations are implemented in a Rails app. Models do not have knowledge about how to load associated objects, nor do they know how to fetch Records at all. It is up to the Repository to perform the proper query with foreign keys in the database and instantiate the Models with the proper attributes and nested structures.

To better showcase associations, let’s implement an example in the Blog app. We create Comments as Records that belong to Articles. Comments have an Article ID as an attribute, which is the foreign key to an Article. Comments can be created and deleted in the context of an Article, and these endpoints are nested in the Article’s resourceful routes:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :articles do
    resources :comments, only: [:new, :create, :destroy]

With nested resources we are ensured that all actions in Comments Controller will have an Article ID as parameter. This is used to instantiate the Comment Input so the Comment is created for the target Article in the Create Comment Action, which returns a Comment as the Result.

class CommentInput
  include ActiveModel::Model

  attr_accessor :article_id, :author, :body

  validates :article_id, presence: true
  validates :author, presence: true
  validates :body, presence: true, length: { minimum: 10 }
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
  def new
    @input = CommentInput.new(article_id: params[:article_id])

  def create
    @input = CommentInput.new(
      comment_params.merge(article_id: params[:article_id])

    @result = CreateCommentAction.new.perform(@input)

    if @result.success?
        notice: 'Comment was successfully created.'

  def destroy
      notice: 'Comment was successfully destroyed.'


  def comment_params
    params.require(:comment_input).permit(:author, :body)

Note that neither the Comment Model nor the Comment Repository have any coupling with Article. All they handle is the Article ID as a simple numeric attribute with no extra knowledge about what it is used for.

class Comment
  attr_reader :id, :article_id, :author, :body

  def initialize(id:, article_id:, author:, body:)
    @id = id
    @article_id = article_id
    @author = author
    @body = body
class CommentRepository
  def create(input)
    record = CommentRecord.create!(
      article_id: input.article_id, author: input.author, body: input.body

  def delete(id)
    record = CommentRecord.find(id)


  def to_model(attributes)

The usefulness of the Article ID comes when we want to render all Comments for an Article in the show page, as well as render the number of Comments each Article has in the index page. We start by defining the association in the Article Record:

class ArticleRecord < ApplicationRecord
  self.table_name = 'articles'

  has_many :comment_records, foreign_key: :article_id, dependent: :destroy

Next we give Article Repository the ability to compose Articles with associated Comments. We want to change the #all method to return all Articles each with its own list of Comments. This method will take care of crafting an optimized query with proper joins so we avoid the N+1 problem. We also want to have the ability to fetch a particular Article loaded with Comments, but instead of changing #find, we create a new #find_with_comments method. That’s because not all Actions need to have a list of Comments all the time. For example, when we fetch the Article for the edit page the list of Comments is unnecessary.

class ArticleRepository
  def all
    ArticleRecord.all.includes(:comment_records).map do |record|
      comments = record.comment_records.map do |comment_record|

      to_model(record.attributes.merge(comments: comments))

  def create(input)
    record = ArticleRecord.create!(
      title: input.title, email: input.email, body: input.body

  def find(id)
    record = ArticleRecord.find(id)

  def find_with_comments(id)
    record = ArticleRecord.find(id)

    comments = record.comment_records.map do |comment_record|

    to_model(record.attributes.merge(comments: comments))

  def update(id, input)
    record = ArticleRecord.find(id)
      title: input.title, email: input.email, body: input.body

  def delete(id)
    record = ArticleRecord.find(id)


  def to_model(attributes)

  def to_comment_model(attributes)

The Article Model must be changed in order to receive an array of Comments during initialization. As mentioned before, associations are optionally loaded by the Repository, meaning that the Model’s associations are optional attributes. Therefore, it is important to ensure that only Model instances previously initialized with associations can actually respond to an association message, so we will make the Model raise an error in case someone requests a list of Comments to an Article that was not initialized with one.

class Article
  class AssociationNotLoadedError < StandardError; end

  attr_reader :id, :title, :email, :body, :created_at, :updated_at

  def initialize(id:, title:, email:, body:, created_at:, updated_at:, comments: nil)
    @id = id
    @title = title
    @email = email
    @body = body
    @created_at = created_at
    @updated_at = updated_at
    @comments = comments

  def comments
    raise AssociationNotLoadedError if @comments.nil?

The Show Article Action now can request an Article along with its Comments by sending the proper message to the Article Repository.

class ShowArticleAction < Action
  expose :article

  def perform(id)
    @article = ArticleRepository.new.find_with_comments(id)

The Controller won’t need to be changed at all, since it simply extracts the Article from the Result and forwards it to the view. The view now can render the Comments by reading the Model’s attribute.

<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>

 <%= @result.article.title %>

 <%= @result.article.body %>

<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_article_path(@result.article.id) %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', articles_path %>


<% @result.article.comments.each do |comment| %>
   <strong><%= comment.author %> says:</strong>

 <p><%= comment.body %></p>

 <%= button_to 'Delete', article_comment_path(@result.article.id, comment.id), method: :delete %>
<% end %>

<%= link_to 'Create comment', new_article_comment_path(@result.article.id) %>

The index view can also now render the Comments count for each Article:
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>


     <th>Comments count</th>
     <th colspan="3"></th>

   <% @result.articles.each do |article| %>
       <td><%= article.title %></td>
       <td><%= article.email %></td>
       <td><%= article.body %></td>
       <td><%= article.comments.count %></td>
       <td><%= link_to 'Show', article_path(article.id) %></td>
       <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_article_path(article.id) %></td>
       <td><%= button_to 'Destroy', article_path(article.id), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %></td>
   <% end %>


<%= link_to 'New Article', new_article_path %>

Note that since we are just rendering the number of Comments, having all these Models loaded in each Article is actually a waste of resources. A more optimized design could be made by adding a comments count attribute in Article and setting it in the Article Repository. But the overall design principle remains the same: Repositories return immutable, read-only Model instances with the data properly mapped.

As mentioned before, associations are not required to be loaded for every single use case. For instance, when we render the edit page to update an Article: only the Article that is supposed to be edited is fetched to prefill the form, but not its Comments. That is why it is crucial to have specific Action objects handling specific requests: each Action takes care of only fetching what is necessary for each use case by sending the proper message to the Repository.


Rails apps often need to send emails as part of handling a request, which is done through the Action Mailer framework. Mailer classes receive data as parameters and render the body of emails to be sent using views. Therefore, Mailers should be limited to hold logic related to composing emails alone, and coupling with business logic objects such as Actions and Repositories should be avoided.

Back to the Blog example, let’s say we want to notify a user that a new Comment was posted in one of their Articles. After introducing a new email attribute in Articles, we can create a Mailer to send the email. The Mailer will be invoked when a new Comment is created in the Create Comment Action, with the data it needs already fetched: the Comment to be included in the message as well the Article that has the email address of the author.

class NotificationMailer < ApplicationMailer
  default from: 'notifications@example.com'

  def new_comment
    @article = params[:article]
    @comment = params[:comment]
    mail(to: @article.email, subject: 'New comment in your article')

<%= @comment.author %> just posted the following comment in your article
"<%= @article.title %>":

<%= @comment.body %>
class CreateCommentAction < ApplicationAction
  expose :comment

  def perform(input)
    if input.valid?
      @comment = CommentRepository.new.create(input)
      article = ArticleRepository.new.find(@comment.article_id)
        comment: @comment, article: article

Note that the approach above only works for synchronous email deliveries (the ones performed with #deliver_now). Mailers have the ability to deliver emails through a background job, but that would require arguments to be serializable according to Active Job’s expectations, such as using Global ID. We are using Models as parameters, and those do not meet the API requirements by design. Instead, for asynchronous email deliveries with Models, we should implement our own jobs to properly retrieve the required data later in the background, and still perform email deliveries synchronously in the job queue.

Background Jobs

Jobs are used to defer part of the business logic for later execution. They are enqueued with certain parameters that are serialized, and eventually performed in a background queue, which deserializes the parameters and calls the Job. Active Job is the Rails framework that provides the APIs for this workflow so the app can be abstracted away from the specifics of the background queue in use.

In this architecture, we identify Jobs as being part of the business logic layer of the app, integrated with the Action workflow. Jobs are simply a subset of an Action’s content that is deferred to be performed asynchronously: their arguments are already validated and part of the request processing workflow.

Another key difference between Actions and Jobs is that Jobs don’t return any values. Instead, they define retry mechanisms for eventual failures. The business logic performed by Jobs should take this into account and be designed to be idempotent and retried without unwanted side-effects.

Let’s revisit the Blog app and introduce a Job so we can perform the email delivery in the background.

class NewCommentEmailJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default

  def perform(comment_id)
    comment = CommentRepository.new.find(comment_id)
    article = ArticleRepository.new.find(comment.article_id)
    NotificationMailer.with(comment: comment, article: article)
class CreateCommentAction < Action
  expose :comment

  def perform(input)
    if input.valid?
      @comment = CommentRepository.new.create(input)

A benefit of moving part of the business logic from Create Comment Action into New Comment Email Job is that it ended up reducing the coupling between the Action and other objects of the system: the Action no longer needs to call Article Repository or the Mailer. These are now part of the Job’s business logic.


An increasing number of contemporary Rails apps have adopted GraphQL as their API layer. Usually these are background services for web and mobile apps, or part of a network of distributed systems. GraphQL is usually implemented by exposing a single HTTP endpoint in Rails that receive payloads that are then processed by a set of GraphQL related objects to translate this data as queries and mutations according to a previously defined schema.

The GraphQL layer of the Rails app is similar to the controller and view layers: they should be responsible only for extracting data from incoming payloads, forward them to Actions, and prepare Action Results for presentation as return values. queries and mutations should not hold any business logic. Since Actions and Results have well-defined structures, they are ideal building blocks to create clear and sustainable GraphQL APIs.

Let’s see some examples in the context of the Blog app. We can enable the creation of Articles via the GraphQL API through a mutation that receives the values as arguments and returns the proper Result fields. Since all our mutations will return a Result, they are sure to include fields such as a success boolean and an optional collection of errors. These can be defined in a mutation base class:

# app/graphql/mutations/base_mutation.rb

module Mutations
  class BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::Mutation
    field_class Types::BaseField

    field :success, Boolean, null: false
    field :errors, [Types::ErrorType], null: false

Note that the errors field in the mutation base is an array of errors as defined by the Error type. Each error should include a message, an error code, and an optional field to make it easier for API clients to understand them accordingly.

# app/graphql/types/error_type.rb

module Types
  class ErrorType < BaseObject
    field :field, String, null: true
    field :code, String, null: false
    field :message, String, null: false

Now we can go ahead and implement the Create Article mutation:

# app/graphql/mutations/create_article.rb

module Mutations
  class CreateArticle < BaseMutation
    argument :title, String, required: true
    argument :email, String, required: true
    argument :body, String, required: true

    field :article, Types::ArticleType, null: true

    def resolve(title:, email:, body:)
      input = ArticleInput.new(title: title, email: email, body: body)

# app/graphql/types/article_type.rb

module Types
  class ArticleType < BaseObject
    field :title, String, null: false
    field :email, String, null: false
    field :body, String, null: false

As seen above, the mutation itself simply instantiates an Input and passes it to the proper Action. The Result that contains the created Article is then mapped to the Article GraphQL type seamlessly. In case of errors, the mutation will have an empty article field but the errors field will be populated with the proper messages and codes. All of that without ever leaking business logic into the GraphQL layer.