
No design is perfect. The architecture proposed in this document provides a good starting point for sustainable, long term development in Rails, but by no means it gives answers to all possible cases and complications that could arise along the way. It is crucial for developers to always keep in mind the principles of object oriented design while adopting this architecture, such as keeping objects small and simple, with thoughtful introduction of indirection when necessary.

This section exemplifies complications that might arise from the use of the patterns here prescribed, with suggestions on how to address these limitations when possible.

Complex Actions

Actions are designed to be the centerpieces of business logic, coordinating all the steps required to process a user request. For that reason, they are the objects with the highest tendency to become big, complex, and coupled with many other structures. Actions are by definition aware of Inputs, Repositories, Models, Jobs, and many other objects from the system. It won’t take too long for Actions to lean towards accumulating nested code, conditionals, and many other code smells.

Actions are such magnets for complexity because of their very nature of being the core units of business logic. After all, the business logic layer of any app is modified far more often than any other layer; the churn of business logic code is incredibly high when compared to the rest of the system, and there is no escape for that. This complexity can be minimized through refactorings and indirection, but apps will always need to have business logic entry points where everything is tied together.

In order to avoid excessive complexity in Actions, it is crucial to model these objects atomically enough so they can be specialized to handle very particular requests in isolation. Designing simpler Actions might impact even the routes and controllers design. For example, instead of having one big Action that receives many optional arguments, it is preferable to split it in different Actions (and therefore different endpoints) for each specific case.

Actions can also collaborate with auxiliary objects that handle certain aspects of business logic beyond Repositories and Jobs. Each app might require additional objects and layers so the burden in Actions is reduced. For instance, the specifics of crafting outgoing HTTP requests to services might be deferred to service objects that play that role, and Actions can simply instantiate and send messages to them.

Duplication in Actions

Actions might end up sharing similarities to other Actions, leading to an excess of duplicated code in these objects. Given that by design Actions are not allowed to interact with each other, and also given that there can only be one Action for each request, it might get tricky to remove the repeated logic.

First of all, it is important to emphasize that not all duplication needs to be removed in order to achieve a sustainable architecture. More often than not, attempts to remove duplication lead to a poor, complex design and an overall worse code than the previous duplicated code. Developers feel the urge to remove every and single duplication as a deceitful instinct of fixing a possible code smell. The truth, however, is that duplication is much easier to understand and change than abstractions that are poorly designed. Before addressing any duplication, the best course of action is to wait until the duplicated logic is referenced too many times, copied at least three times over.

Once the duplication becomes a real concern, the code can be refactored by extracting the repeated logic into specialized objects Actions can interact with. A particular case is when the duplication happens around composing the Result object. An app might introduce a new layer of Result composers for that purpose that Actions can rely on and delegate that process to.

Testing Actions

The topic of testing is not covered in this document, but a word is needed regarding testing Actions. Actions don’t need to be tested through unit tests. Instead, these objects’ behaviours should be asserted indirectly through proper integration test coverage.

Given that Actions represent an entire feature or use case, developers might be tempted to end up writing unit tests that are actually integration tests in disguise. For example, a unit test for the Create Article Action might end up asserting that a Record is persisted. This test is not a unit test, since the code in the Action is completely decoupled from the database or from Active Record itself. Such assertions are important, but should be written as integration or system tests.

In theory, unit testing for Actions needs to ensure that the Action is sending the expected messages to its collaborator objects and that the Result returned by the Action has the right values, and nothing more. This would likely require mocking/stubbing libraries, so tests are performed fast by not actually making network calls or database operations. Once again, this does not replace the need for integration tests whatsoever, since only these end-to-end assertions can ensure that the system as a whole is functional and the network of objects behave properly in the real world.

Given that the only way to test Actions is through excessive stubbing and mocking, and that these unit tests do not replace integration tests, writing unit tests for Actions is an unnecessary burden. Instead, the Actions behaviours should be asserted indirectly through proper integration test coverage.

Validation Antipatterns

This architecture proposes the use of validation in Input objects by including Active Model validations. By inheriting from Active Model, Inputs can have the same well-known validation API and seamlessly integrate with view forms.

  if input.valid?
    @article =

This approach comes with costs, however. Firstly, this choice lets Inputs inherit the Rails antipattern of mutating objects in order to fetch validation results. A valid object has no errors, but only until someone else asks it for its valid state, in which it might end up populating its own errors, mutating its own state. This is a brittle design that violates the idea of an Input representing the user’s entries and nothing more. Worst even, this mutation happens by calling a predicate method. Predicates, as any query method, should simply return information about the object but not alter the state of a subsystem.

Secondly, validation errors are represented as instances of Active Model Errors, which is quite limited in its API. There are no standardized formats for individual errors, which might negatively impact the design of meaningful representation of validation messages, as seen in the GraphQL section.

Apps that face these costs might opt for not using Active Model for input validation, but instead introduce their own Validators as collaborator objects that Actions can invoke in order to check for the validity of Inputs. Similarly, errors can be represented using well-defined structs with proper fields such as messages, codes, and attribute names.


Database transactions guarantee that a series of steps are performed atomically, making possible to roll them all back in case of errors. In Rails, transactions are defined as blocks where all their database operations are committed to the database together in case of a successful yield, or rolled back if an error is raised.

Grouping logical steps in atomic groups with transactions is part of the business logic layer. When the app requires transactions, there is a risk for Actions to end up coupled with Active Record once again. In order to achieve a sustainable architecture, however, it is important to respect the design decision to encapsulate Active Record behind Repositories in this case as well. Additionally, transactions are excellent candidates to be extracted into more specialized objects.

Back to the Blog example, let’s say we don’t want to persist a comment if the Job that delivers the notification email fails to be enqueued. This requires grouping the Comment creation and the email notification delivery in a transaction.

The first thing we can do is to create a method in the Repository to encapsulate Active Record:

class CommentRepository
  class << self
    def transaction
      ActiveRecord::Base.transaction { yield(new) }

We can now model our transaction as an object that executes the piece of protected business logic that is rolled back all at once in case of errors:

class CreateCommentTransaction
  def perform(input)
    CommentRepository.transaction do |repository|
      comment = repository.create(input)

The Action can now simply validate the input and perform the Transaction, remaining decoupled from Active Record, or the transaction block itself:

class CreateCommentAction < Action
  expose :comment

  def perform(input)
    if input.valid?
      @comment =